Meeting at Vatican with Mons. Cesare Pasini / Prefetto of Bibloteca Apostolica Vaticana, Dott. Ambrogio M. Piazzoni / Vice Prefetto and Mr. Luciano Ammenti / Coordinatore dei Sistemii Informatici.
The purpose of our visit is to inform formally to Vatican Library, that Jotaro NONAKA has assumed as the new Chairman of the Board as of July this year. And pledge our continuous support to the Long Term Preservation Project by contributing various form of assets to facilitate BAV and NTT DATA, to make this extremely valuable project to be sustainable and successful.

From left: Dott. Ambrogio M. Piazzoni / Vice Prefetto of BAV, Mons. Cesare Pasini / Prefetto of BAV, Jotaro Nonaka / Chairman of INFODEC, Yojiro Shirakawa / Executive Director, Kenji Hidaka / Executive Director
After the meeting, Mons. Pasini allowed us to take tour inside of Sistine Salone. We were overwhelmed by its sheer beauty of decor and collections.