INFODECのメンバーで外務省を訪問。帰国中の在バチカン日本国大使館 長崎輝章特命全権大使にお目に掛かり、現在NTTデータが中心と成って進めているバチカン図書館のデジタルアーカイブ・プロジェクト「DIGITA VATICANA」の進捗状況について御報告しました。
バチカン図書館に所蔵されている遣欧使節に関する文献(伊達政宗から法王パオロ5世に宛てた書簡)や、支倉常長の肖像画や関連品など)を、当時の日本の状況について書かれた文献などをDIGITA VATICANAでアーカイブして一般公開出来れば、日本とバチカンの両政府、および国民の相互理解を促進できる、というお話でした。
We have visited Ministry of Foreign Affairs to meet with Mr. Teruaki Nagasaki, Japanese Ambassador to the Vatican City.
We have updated him with the latest information on Digita Vaticana project, and asked his support.
He was particularly keen to find out if there could be manuscripts and artifacts that are related to Japanese Christians whose existences were hidden from the public and then "re-discovered" some 150 years ago.
Also, this year makes 400th year from the historical visit of Tsunenaga Hasekura, who lead the Japanese delegation and traveled from Sendai in 1613 and arrived to Vatican in 1615, to have met with the Pope Paul the 5th.
He was keen to find if any material related to Hasekura was stored inside of Vatican library.
We assured him, we will let him know first, if such finding were made during the archiving process.
左から: 野中理事長、榛葉特別顧問、桑田評議員、長崎全権大使、日高常務理事、白川常務理事
(From left: Chairman. Nonaka, Special Advs. Shimba, Councillor Kuwata, Ambassador Nagasaki, Executive Dir. Hidaka, Executive Dir. Shirakawa)