【イスラエル軍タンク30台 ガザ地区へ侵攻】


■Protest at Jerusalem holy site ends(CNN


JERUSALEM (CNN) -- Israeli police entered a Jerusalem holy site and used stun grenades and rubber pellets to quell Palestinians throwing rocks at police and Jewish worshippers at the end of Friday prayers at the Al Aqsa Mosque, according to a police spokesman.

There were some injuries and at least 14 arrests, Israeli police said. The police entered the mosque grounds but did not enter the mosque itself.



The mosque is on the Temple Mount, or Haram al Sharif, a site sacred to both Jews and Muslims, and is above the Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews are allowed to pray.

The area, long a flashpoint for conflict, has been the site of numerous clashes.

Religious Jews consider the Temple Mount to be holiest site in Judaism, but the Israeli government law bans from praying on the Temple Mount to maintain the status quo between the Jewish and Muslim communities.


■参考リンク: アル・アクサ・インティファーダ◇パレスチナ子供のキャンペーン


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