【食肉ホラー系FLASH 『THE MEATRIX』を観よ!】



というわけで、少し前のことだけど、8月20日付けでTHE SEATTLE TIMESが報じた記事。2004年の1月から施行されたアメリカの狂牛病対策がスタートしてから、今年の5月までの17ヶ月の間に、全米130箇所の施設で、合計約1000件もの違反行為が発見されたという。




The violations occurred during a 17-month period, from January 2004 to May 2005.

The Tyson beef plant in Wallula, Walla Walla County, received four "noncompliance records." Documents say the plant failed to identify and mark cattle older than 30 months, and in one case mixed edible beef parts with spinal columns and other parts from older cattle.

Inspectors also spotted meat contaminated with spinal cord and a worker who failed to sterilize his knife after cutting tonsils, which can carry the infection.

Walt's Wholesale Meats in Woodland, Cowlitz County, was cited for failing to sanitize equipment after processing spinal cords and heads from older animals.




ところでこの記事の元に成ったアメリカのNPO「Public Citizen」のサイトには、もっと怖い情報が満載なので是非CHECKしてみて。

BSE Noncompliance Record Analysis

Letter expressing serious concerns with U.S. Department of Agriculture policy pertaining to beef and cattle imports and the effectiveness of the Canadian feed ban

Food Safety Inspection Service Regulations for BSE

In December 2004, the USDA’s own food safety inspectors, through their union, the National Joint Council of Food Inspection Locals (NJC), identified serious lapses in enforcement of the rules for keeping specified risk materials out of the human food supply.  The letter from the NJC to the head of FSIS’ Assistant Administrator for Field Operations presented concerns about the removal of SRMs from cattle and FSIS inspectors’ ability to enforce the export requirements for products destined for Mexico.  Specifically, the letter stated that members of the union had reported that:

1. Plant employees are not correctly identifying and marking all heads and carcasses of animals over 30 months old.  Therefore, plant employees and government personnel further down the line are unaware that numerous parts should be removed as SRMs and these high risk materials are entering the food supply.

2. On line inspectors are not authorized to take actions when they see plant employees sending products that do not meet export requirements past the point on the line where they can be identified and removed.


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