Monday, January 28, 2008
■Asteroid To Make Rare Close Flyby Of Earth January 29
ScienceDaily (Jan. 25, 2008) — Scientists are monitoring the orbit of asteroid 2007 TU24. The asteroid, believed to be between 150 meters (500 feet) and 610 meters (2,000 feet) in size, is expected to fly past Earth on Jan. 29, with its closest distance being about 537,500 kilometers (334,000 miles) at 12:33 a.m. Pacific time (3:33 a.m. Eastern time). It should be observable that night by amateur astronomers with modest-sized telescopes.
昨年の10月11日にNASAがスポンサーするCatalina Sky Surveyによって発見された隕石『2007 TU24』が、1月29日に地球のそばを掠めて通過する。
■NASA Scientists Get First Images of Earth Flyby Asteroid (JPL/NASA)
JPLのthe Near Earth Object Program Officeによれば、「これは地球と月の間の距離の約1.4倍だから全く心配する必要はない。」という。
"With these first radar observations finished, we can guarantee that next week's 1.4-lunar-distance approach is the closest until at least the end of the next century," said Steve Ostro, JPL astronomer and principal investigator for the project. "It is also the asteroid's closest Earth approach for more than 2,000 years."
Scientists at NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office at JPL have determined that there is no possibility of an impact with Earth in the foreseeable future.
Although the chances of a direct impact are nearly non-existent, there is a much greater chance that there will be a degree of electromagnetic interference as TU24 traverses Earth's magnetosphere in the manner of Tunguska 100 years ago.