The awesome power of a tornado displayed in Mapleton, Iowa April 11th, 2011. (© Timothy Wright)
Appreciating beautiful ceilings (flickr)

Dutch architect plans world's first 3D-printed building (WIRED)



A Dutch architect is planning to construct a Möbius strip-shaped house using the world's largest 3D printer.

Landscape House, designed by Janjaap Ruijssenaars of Amsterdam firm Universal Architecture, will contain around 1,100 square meters of floorspace throughout the twisted structure. The 3D printer -- which can "print" objects as large as six meters by nine meters using a mix of grinded-down rocks or sand, held together with a liquid binding agent -- has been designed by Italian roboticist Enrico Dini.

Dini has been printing huge objects with his printer for a couple of years, but this will be the first building that he's produced that's actually designed to be occupied just like any other. For a house that will be a solid whole, without any visible seams, a Möbius strip makes perfect sense as a design shape.


「Landscape House」と名付けられたこの家は、アムステルダムに本拠を置くUniverse Architecture社のヤンヤップ・ライジシェナーシュ(Janjaap Ruijssenaars)が設計した。このねじれた構造の建物の中に、およそ1,100平方メートルの床面積が確保される予定だ。



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