Now's a REALLY good time to update these Facebook privacy settings | How To - CNET
Thursday, January 17, 2013
No, Graph Search doesn't affect your privacy settings, but it surely makes digging up information about you really easy. Now's a REALLY REALLY good time to review what you're sharing and how you're sharing it.
Your data. Easily accessible to friends AND….
In the new search bar, a Facebook user can search for something like, "Friends who like 'Star Wars' and cooking." Immediately, Facebook will dig through that user's friends' likes and interests to find relevant matches. Facebook doesn't magically know which of your friends like these things, it will simply use the data they provided.
These are just a couple examples of how Facebook will use the data you willfully surrendered to make its new search tool effective and accurate, but Graph Search goes beyond just Likes and music history. Everything -- I mean, everything -- you've shared with friends on Facebook will be contributed to the index.
For example:
- Shared data from apps you use, like Spotify (it's not yet used in Graph Search, but will be in the near future)
- Tagged photos, including those with associated locations and times
- Interests, like music, TV shows, and blogs
- Facebook check-ins
- Your "About" section, including career, relationship status, and religious or political views
No matter how subtle the piece of information, friends can and will dig it up using Graph Search.
So, let’s get to it! RIGHT NOW!! Shall we?