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Now's a REALLY good time to update these Facebook privacy settings | How To - CNET


No, Graph Search doesn't affect your privacy settings, but it surely makes digging up information about you really easy. Now's a REALLY REALLY good time to review what you're sharing and how you're sharing it.

Your data. Easily accessible to friends AND…. 

In the new search bar, a Facebook user can search for something like, "Friends who like 'Star Wars' and cooking." Immediately, Facebook will dig through that user's friends' likes and interests to find relevant matches. Facebook doesn't magically know which of your friends like these things, it will simply use the data they provided.

These are just a couple examples of how Facebook will use the data you willfully surrendered to make its new search tool effective and accurate, but Graph Search goes beyond just Likes and music history. Everything -- I mean, everything -- you've shared with friends on Facebook will be contributed to the index.

For example:

  • Shared data from apps you use, like Spotify (it's not yet used in Graph Search, but will be in the near future)
  • Tagged photos, including those with associated locations and times
  • Interests, like music, TV shows, and blogs
  • Facebook check-ins
  • Your "About" section, including career, relationship status, and religious or political views

No matter how subtle the piece of information, friends can and will dig it up using Graph Search.

So, let’s get to it!  RIGHT NOW!!  Shall we?

In pictures: Beijing pollution


And this will affect Our atmosphere soon or later.

My question is, would it be more hazardous than...say Fukushima?

Anyway, I think Chinese government should put ridiculously high taxes on automobiles which uses fossil energies, and encourage all to switch to EVs instead, or better yet, go back to bicycles like they used to...

大阪:脱・原発依存を率先、メガソーラーや廃棄物発電を臨海地域に展開 - スマートジャパン



自然エネルギー:バイオマスで電力と水素を生成、復興だけでなく新産業創出を目指す - スマートジャパン



2013年の電力メガトレンドを占う(2):電力自由化の流れは止まらず、地域独占から市場開放へ - スマートジャパン





Reforming U.S. Drone Strike Policies - Council on Foreign Relations


Zenko puts forward a substantive agenda. He argues that the United States should end so-called signature strikes, which target unidentified militants based on their behavior patterns and personal networks, and limit targeted killings to a limited number of specific terrorists with transnational ambitions. He also calls Congress to improve its oversight of drone strikes and to continue restrictions on armed drone sales. Finally, he recommends that the United States work internationally to establish rules and norms governing the use of drones.

Mysterious Giant Squid Finally Caught on Film |


A Japanese-led team filmed the silvery cephalopod last year off the Ogasawara Islands, about 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) south of Tokyo, according to news reports. The footage is to be broadcast in the United States this month.

"It was shining and so beautiful," team leader Tsunemi Kubodera, a zoologist at Japan's National Museum of Nature and Science, told AFP. "I was so thrilled when I saw it first hand, but I was confident we would because we rigorously researched the areas we might find it, based on past data."

聖徳太子 「和を以て貴しとなす」の真意とは?




「とにかくカドを立てないで仲良くするのが一番大切」といった意味で理解している人が多いだろう。 その出典が聖徳太子の「憲法十七条」であることもよく知られているはずだ。

「憲法十七条」は『日本書紀』に載せられているため、『書紀』の史料批判の観点から学界では偽作説も出されている。 だが、個別の語句や表現に後の潤色が加わっていたにしても、基本的な内容は当時のものとして見てよいというのが歴史学界の大勢の意見だ。


『書紀』の訓(よ)み方を記した最古の写本である岩崎本の『書紀』(平安時代中期の書写)ではこの個所を- 「和(やわら)ぐを以(も)て貴しとし…」と訓んでいる。 そのあとは「忤(さか)ふることを無きを宗(むね)とせよ。…」と続く。


人はえてして派閥や党派などを作りやすい。そうなると偏った、かたくなな見方にこだわって、他と対立を深める結果になる。そのことを戒めているのだ。 それを避けて、人々が互いに和らぎ睦まじく話し合いができれば、そこで得た合意は、おのづから道理にかない、何でも成しとげられる-というのだ。


























BBC News - Why Japan's 'Fukushima 50' remain unknown


"They experienced the plant explosions, the tsunami and perhaps radiation exposure. They are also victims of the disaster because they live in the area and have lost homes and family members. And the last thing is the discrimination."

Yes, discrimination. Not only are the workers not being celebrated, they are facing active hostility from some members of the public.

"The workers have tried to rent apartments," says Dr Shigemura. "But landlords turn them down, some have had plastic bottles thrown at them, some have had papers pinned on their apartment door saying 'Get out Tepco'".

And that is the final point. Japan is a country where people identify very closely with the company they work for. People here will often introduce themselves with their company name first, and their own only second.

But those close ties between the Fukushima nuclear workers and Tepco are exacting a terrible psychological toll on the men who saved Japan from a much worse nuclear disaster.

By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
BBC News, Tatsuno, Japan



'Tsunami Bomb' In Development During World War II, Documents Note

A New Zealand author has rediscovered evidence of top secret tests carried out by the United States and New Zealand during World War II. The tests explored the creation of a "tsunami bomb" capable of flooding coastal cities of the Allies' enemies.


The plans came to light during research by a New Zealand author and film-maker, Ray Waru, who examined military files buried in the national archives.

"Presumably if the atomic bomb had not worked as well as it did, we might have been tsunami-ing people," said Mr Waru.

"It was absolutely astonishing. First that anyone would come up with the idea of developing a weapon of mass destruction based on a tsunami ... and also that New Zealand seems to have successfully developed it to the degree that it might have worked." The project was launched in June 1944 after a US naval officer, E A Gibson, noticed that blasting operations to clear coral reefs around Pacific islands sometimes produced a large wave, raising the possibility of creating a "tsunami bomb".

Mr Waru said the initial testing was positive but the project was eventually shelved in early 1945, though New Zealand authorities continued to produce reports on the experiments into the 1950s. Experts concluded that single explosions were not powerful enough and a successful tsunami bomb would require about 2 million kilograms of explosive arrayed in a line about five miles from shore.

"If you put it in a James Bond movie it would be viewed as fantasy but it was a real thing," he said.

from "The Telegraph"